Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lucy update - one month home

We had both forgotten what it was like to have a 2 year old in the house....
  • curiosity over how many pairs of shoes they can try on
  • food throwing
  • tantrums over things that they do not understand or when you take something away from them
  • crazy efforts trying to dress themselves
  • wearing the layers of clothes for fun, I like the underwear over pants look best, we call her captain underpants
  • giggles and smiles
  • running around the shopping mall just to tire them out
  • gets upset when eating as she wants to be the one feeding herself
  • toilet training
  • learning how to walk down stair is a dangerous venture
  • if nap time is missed things get messy
Lucy is eating really well and is willing to eat whatever we are eating.  I don't make congee as often, but do it just as a comfort food for her.  There have been no issues with milk, she actually loves it and we are relieved as she loves yogurt and cheese.  When there is a green veg on her plate she eats that up first and red peppers are a great snack.

The sisterly love is getting way better.  Kyla is starting to try to help Lucy and is sharing toys.  Kisses and hugs have been shared.  They giggle together and Lucy wants to copy her big sister in everything, good and not so great behaviour.  Whatever one gets the other has to have the same, right away or there are tears and unhappy screams.

Once in a while though Lucy and Kyla get jealous at the same time and it's not fun to manage the conflict and potential tears and screaming.  Nothing major, we just know that Lucy needed to probably defend herself from the other kids at the Institute.  Kyla growls at her sister, Lucy copies!

Lucy has a love for dogs, we were so happy and surprised.  She just loves Kirby, our dog and was so gentle and wanted to pet, hug and kiss him.  Lucy pets the plastic donation guide dogs in the stores.

Lucy is napping well, we just need to lay her down in our bed till she falls asleep and then we can leave her for 1 - 2.5 hours.  She is still a light sleeper so her sleep can be interrupted easily.  She also passes out in the car if we are out, that is good.  At night we bring her to her room, read stories, listen to some soothing music and then she falls asleep.  We adjusted her crib to a day bed so she is no longer afraid to sleep in it.  We need to sneak out, she sleeps for about 4-5 hours and then wakes up crying.  She does not want to be alone.  I am sure she shared her bed and her room with other kids and is used to the sounds and warmth of others.  Lucy sleeps through the night if she is in our bed.  

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