Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One month ago today....

It really is amazing that only one month has gone by since we first held Lucy in our arms.  I could not imagine life without her now, but yet the memories of January 6, 2013 will be in our hearts forever.  Lucy has changed so much and the scared little one from 4 weeks ago is blossoming into a happy, fun, curious and smiley toddler.  She is lovely and warms your heart when she giggles and flashes you  smiles.

Lucy is settling well in her new home.  She enjoys all the toys and books in the house, loves the stairs, and spends lots of time exploring the rooms.  Lucy's routine starts with waking up around 8 am, breakfast shortly after, play time, snack, play time, lunch around 12, nap for 2 - 3 hours (unless we are out then it is a short cat nap), snack, playtime, dinner at 6, snack, bath and bed time.  Bath time is one of her favorite times now.  As you can see Lucy likes to snack, whatever we give her she eats and likes to copy what her sister has.  Yesterday it was a fight over a small baggie full of carrot sticks and the other day a freak out over salt and vinegar chips!  You can tell when Lucy is sleepy as her cranky mood sets in. Lucy gets about 11 hours sleep at night so I think she is doing well.

I would say that our 1st week back was about beating the jet lag, waking up in the middle of the night to eat and play.  Week 2 was not a great week as it was all about being sick and high fevers.  Week 3 is about trying to get into a routine.  I think we are doing pretty well.  Kyla is settling into her 3 day a week pre-school, its for 4 hours a day and its good for her to go somewhere to play and learn.  The teachers are awesome and she loves it.  We also went swimming as a family and it was fun.  Lucy loved the pool and soaking her feet in the hot tub most.

Today I got Kyla to her pre-school by 9 am and Lucy and I headed off to the local Family Place (community center for little ones) which is awesome for her.  She can play with and around other kids her age and participate in the story time.  Lucy loves being out and you can see how she is around new faces and strangers, she only plays shy for 5 minutes then happily plays and smiles at all the people around her.

We have visited with family in friends over that past week and Lucy has done really well.  She knows she is getting special attention and eats it up.  She is now going to a select group of people and is ok if she wanders away from me and Troy for a few minutes.  Lucy is recognizing uncles, aunts and cousins.  She is doing well in large crowds, which is a good thing as we have a huge family that likes to get together often, to eat food!

This picture is of the girls heading out for pre-school and Family Place.

 Dinner time fun!

Family and Friends:

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