Thursday, January 31, 2013


It has not been a good week.  Lucy had a fever for 6 days with cough and is getting better. Two visits to the doc and lots of Tylenol then Advil later, she is now on antibiotics.  It is tough as you know her immune system is probably low and the travel and changes are taking a toll on her.

At least she is starting to move about a bit, though prefers to be held.

I was sick as well and now Kyla is feeling under the weather.  At least she is not hit as hard as Lucy.

Lucy is starting to say a few more words, mama, dada for sure and is trying to copy other words.  She understands phrases like, go give this to dada. She waves bye bye when people are leaving.  We are reading to her at night and she gets to watch the shows that Kyla likes.  When she is feeling better we can focus on a few words a day.

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